Radio Azadliq, RFE/RL’s Azerbaijani service, is accused of mismanagement and bias after string of sackings
Read more “Former Radio Free Europe staff demand probe over ‘pro-Azerbaijan content’”Welcome to Baku, Armenian city 2021!
Dear readers, residents and citizens of the United States. Starting from May 2021, I will organize special excursions around the capital of Azerbaijan.
Read more “Welcome to Baku, Armenian city 2021!”Как Старый город в Баку переживает евроремонт и ресторанизацию
Старый город в окружении крепостных стен, Ичери-Шехер, в столице Азербайджана Баку был признан ЮНЕСКО архитектурным памятником всемирного наследия еще в 2000 году. С тех пор власти начали облагораживать Дворец ширваншахов, мечети и десятки старинных домов, окруженные крепостной стеной. Некоторые архитектурные решения вызвали вопросы у местных жителей и специалистов.
Но шквал критики обрушился на власти после появления множества ресторанов, практически заслонивших вид на средневековую стену. Как изменился Старый город, можно увидеть, сравнив архивные фото с нынешним ландшафтом.
Read more “Как Старый город в Баку переживает евроремонт и ресторанизацию”РАСИСТСКИЙ БАКУ ЗА ШИРМОЙ СОЛИДАРНОСТИ
Проблема сохранения идентичности одного из коренных народов Азербайджана — талышей — с каждым годом обостряется. В этой стране запрещено не только телерадиовещание на талышском языке, но и его преподавание в местных школах.
Read more “РАСИСТСКИЙ БАКУ ЗА ШИРМОЙ СОЛИДАРНОСТИ”Statement by US Senators on the Organized Massacre of Armenians in Baku, 1990
On January 18, 1990, a group of US senators, including the future Secretary of State John Kerry, sent a letter to the USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev in connection with the pogroms of Armenians in Baku:
“We are deeply concerned about the killings, violence, and plunder of the Armenian population committed by groups of organized Azerbaijanis over the past six days.
Read more “Statement by US Senators on the Organized Massacre of Armenians in Baku, 1990”Мэрия Баку не дала разрешение на проведение нового митинга
Мэрия Баку отвергла просьбу оппозиционного Национального совета демократических сил (НСДС) о проведении 26 января митинга.
Свой отказ мэрия обосновала тем, что после предыдущего митинга Нацсовета 19 января и во время церемонии посещения Аллеи шехидов 20 января имели место нарушения общественного порядка.
Read more “Мэрия Баку не дала разрешение на проведение нового митинга”Azerbaijan must admit the guilt for Armenian pogroms
These January days, Armenians around the world remember the victims of the Armenian pogroms in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, 29 years ago. For a whole week, from January 13 to 19, 1990, the Azerbaijani authorities organized and carried out mass pogroms of the Armenian population of the city. About a quarter of a million local Armenians were subjected to violence and deportation only because of their national identity, as a result there is no Armenian left in Baku now.
The immovable and movable property of thousands of Armenians was looted and taken away. According to estimates of various international organizations, about 500 Armenians became victims of the violence.
Read more “Azerbaijan must admit the guilt for Armenian pogroms”Massacres in Baku in 1990 were Organized by Heydar Aliyev
Azerbaijani human rights activist and historian Arif Yunusov, who now resides in the Netherlands as a political immigrant, recently gave an interview to an Azerbaijani online TV channel “Obyektiv TV”. Yunusov stated that Armenian pogroms in January 1990, as well as Black January had been carried out by the order of Heydar Aliyev, who sought to come to power in Azerbaijan.
Read more “Massacres in Baku in 1990 were Organized by Heydar Aliyev”
In Azerbaijan, some journalists get free apartments. Others get jail cells.
TO CELEBRATE “National Press Day” in Azerbaijan on July 22, President Ilham Aliyev announced the award of 255 apartments to journalists. Four years ago, he inaugurated an apartment building for journalists and gave away 155 flats. Both times, Mr. Aliyev used the same words. “Freedom of speech” is “ensured” in Azerbaijan, he declared.
Read more “In Azerbaijan, some journalists get free apartments. Others get jail cells.”
Azerbaijan Forces Bulgaria to Fire Reporter Who Exposed Arms Shipments to Terrorists
Last month, I wrote about Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva’s revelations that Azerbaijan’s state-run Silk Way Airlines had shipped 350 planeloads of heavy weapons and ammunition to terrorist groups in Syria and many other countries in the last three years, under diplomatic cover.
On Aug. 24, Dilyana tweeted: “I just got fired for telling the truth about weapons supplies for terrorists in Syria on diplomatic flights.”
Read more “Azerbaijan Forces Bulgaria to Fire Reporter Who Exposed Arms Shipments to Terrorists”