For the “hero” Safarov – Say a word

Many years have passed since that day as a “hero” and a role model for millions of Azerbaijanis, Ramil Safarov killed an sleeping Armenian officer with an ax at a NATO training camp in Budapest. For this “heroic” act, Safarov should be sitting for life, but was fraudulently bought by Aliyev.

Upon arriving in Azerbaijan, Ramilchik was fully acquitted by the president, received a salary during his stay in a Hungarian prison, and generally became a national “hero”. About Ramil it was not heard for a long time, but recently the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg recognized the actions of Azerbaijan in the case of the murder by an Azerbaijani officer Ramil Safarov of an Armenian soldier Gurgen Margaryan in violation of two articles of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The next movement to protect Ramil has begun in Azerbaijan itself. After all, he’s a “hero”, he is an example to follow. But some “unreasonable” personalities in Baku decided to swim against the tide and began to write in social networks that Ramilchik is not a hero! What a fuss rising!

It all looks pretty funny if it weren’t so sad. Even the mass media, funded by Aliyev and his pack, began to write exculpatory articles. As if Safar did little. His act cannot be justified, whatever the Internet “warriors” squealed on the Internet.

Having committed such an act, Safarov tarnished the honor of an officer uniform. Unless of course the word honor can generally be attributed to such a subhuman. And Azerbaijan would have to understand this and try not to recall this dirty story, which well cast a shadow over the whole country. A story that showed throughout Europe where the Middle Ages still survived, both in the minds of people and in their actions. But, instead, Azerbaijan is trying to use its favorite tactic, which I call “The Fool Himself.”. Translated from the russian language that means pointing to others things instead of accepting critics in your own country.

The media website and others write in their articles that the European court should have paid attention to the allegedly “killed” civilians of Azerbaijan during the war in the 90s. Question! What does this have to do with what’s going on? Didn’t Armenian civilians die in those years? Can I then remind you of the pogroms in Baku, Sumgait?

Let’s not stir up the past, not related to this topic. Moreover, Azerbaijan knows how to think up fairy tales well and to believe in them. As an example, the so-called “genocide” in Khojaly, which was committed by Azerbaijan itself. There is plenty of evidence for this, but no one in official Baku pays attention to it. The main goal of Aliyev’s propaganda is to wash the brain, first of all, to his people. And therefore, one can constantly hear some idiotic tales about hundreds of supposedly killed and tortured people in Khojaly. Although the incident occurred near Agdam, in the territory controlled by Azerbaijan by that time.

But the people have already absorbed this vile tale, and therefore, in any case, they write this nonsense, which by the way is not backed up. But it is not peculiar to Azerbaijan to prove something, therefore, in the Safarov case now the propagandons from the Aliyev’s pack of jackals continue to argue that Ramil did the right thing. That they say he defended his country. The question is, how did he defend the country? On the battlefield? No. It was military training, not war. So this “hero” would go to the front and there would show his courage, maybe then he would be a real hero, and not a “dick” from the mountain.

Again, at the prompt from above, they are now claiming that the Armenian officer did not sleep, that Ramil fought with him and supposedly defeated him almost in a fair fight, but then give the facts! You can not! Most write that they say the Armenians came up with it, but are you really idiots there? There are plenty of court records on the Internet. If the Armenians distorted the truth, then these records would have revealed everything! But you do not want to see the truth! Why do you need it. The truth is scary, the truth can show that YOU are wrong.

However, it is good that there are those in Azerbaijan. who perfectly understands, without the idiotic “patriotism”, that Ramil is not a hero, but a murderer and the shame of the country and nation! These are run into and with the use of prosecutors. And here are the posts themselves, Tunai Aliyev on Facebook

Ramil Səfərov qəhraman deyil,emosiyasını idarə etməyib cinayət törədən biridir……… mümkünsə hörmətlə yanaşın fikrimə…..yox ailə tərbiyyənizi göstərib söyüş söymək istəyirsizsə,hodri meydan……..

Posted by Tunay Aliyeva on Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Psychologist Narmin Shahmarzade wrote on her Facebook page:

“Mr. President, will you pay compensation for this decision in connection with Ramil Safarov from your salary? Why should people pay for your wrong decisions? ”

Journalist Azer Kazimzade, in turn, wrote: “Ramil Safarov’s shameful crime will lead to numerous disasters in Azerbaijan. After the murder of a sleeping person, the attitude of the West towards Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis has changed. Azerbaijan lost the case of Ramil Safarov in the European Court: people like Ramil Safarov suffered serious damage to our country, the country was so disgraced that it was impossible to say. “

İlham Əliyev Ramil Səfərov məsələsində ancaq və ancaq özü üçün istifadə etdi. Neft pullarının fantan vurduğu vaxtda…

Posted by Azer Kazimzade on Tuesday, May 26, 2020

But the paid trolls and do not allow such people to live normally. Scolding everyone who doubted the heroic behavior of Ramil Safarov. thereby only confirming once again that Azerbaijan is on a very dangerous path. And the people who do not want to think, and often no longer can, do not understand that all this is the work of Aliyev and his henchmen. Such behavior not only spoils the country’s image, but also really threatens to make sure that no one will maintain relations with Azerbaijan. Barbarism is not welcome in a civilized society.

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