And who is animal after all?

And who is animal after all? The past battles in Karabakh, unfortunately left many people dead and wounded on both sides. But as usual, news sites in Baku continue to lie. I want to talk about one particular case.

Attention!!! The video below contains depictions of violence!

Дмитрий Козлов: «Действия Армении против азербайджанских военнопленных возмутительны»

Итоги «четырехдневной войны» в Нагорном Карабахе

The first news is about how bad are Armenians in the war. The second news about the alleged outcome of the battles, but one particular section revolted me.

  • “In the information war, Azerbaijan could have been more successful. In the social networks (especially in Twitter, the Armenian version of the”truth” gathered more readership. “The Azerbaijani army was compared to the” Daesh. The photo of the allegedly decapitated Armenian soldier by the Azerbaijani side was distributed. There was no evidence. “

Well, of course you do not benefit there, but suck it! The Internet is full of photos and videos as proofs!

Read it here

Karabakh conflict: Azerbaijani soldiers behead Ezidi from Armenia

And watch here:


Civilization, where are you?

Show me anything close to what is seen on this video? Except the video’s from ISIS, where not just animals but freaks. This behavior is not decent for the civilized people, but after all, “glorious askers” do not know this word! And since the president created the hero from the murderer, people have free hands!

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